Friday, March 23, 2012

Systemic Change in our Food System is Happening - Pie Farm, Pescadero

I'm gonna go to Pie Ranch, tomorrow! ..and I'm kind of excited, so I need to share this great place with you. Pie Ranch is a farm located in Pescadero, CA with the mission to inspire and connect people to know the source of their food, and to work together to bring greater health to the food system from seed to table.

Why do they call their Farm, Pie Ranch? Well, first off...they're land is literally shaped like a pie-slice. But, also they grow pie ingredients including wheat for crusts, fruits for filling, raise chickens for eggs, goats and cows for milk and butter, and vegetables for healthy meals. They also sell their crops at a farm stand, to local bakeries including Mission Pie, and have a Community Supported Eggriculture egg share program.

The Pie Ranch team combines many years of experience in organic, diversified food production, non-profit program development, farm-based education and small-farm advocacy, as well as public service and community organizing...and telling from their videos, they are all very invested and passionate about what they do.

What makes them different than an oldschool farm, you might ask? Well....

1. They have year long internships for people looking to learn about sustainable farming
2. They engage local high school students in learning about where their food comes from
3. They have a community work day, potluck and barn dance on the third Saturday of each Month!
4. It's become such a beautiful community driven place, that people even take their wedding photos there!!

Watch more of Pie Ranches Videos, and be inspired to visit and perhaps start your own community based farm one day!

Share The Pie.
Eat The Pie.
Learn The Pie.

Can't talk enough about people that are doing great things, but if no one knows about them then they'll never grow and can't continue to make sustainable changes.

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